Califórnia autorizou um agente penitenciário a participar da Parada Gay de Los Angeles, no próximo domingo, usando o uniforme da corporação. Segundo site TMZ, o departamento ainda pediu desculpas ao oficial Andrew Johnson, que teve seu primeiro pedido negado por ser considerado um "desprestígio".
Na nota oficial, o departamento afirma que "não tinha a intenção de ofender qualquer segmento da população com a recente recusa em permitir que um agente penitenciário participasse da Parada usando o uniforme oficial". No comunicado, eles afirmam ainda que a política da corporação "está desatualizada e requer uma revisão cuidadosa". O departamento esclarece, porém, que enquanto pensa na reformulação da política interna, os agentes não estão liberados a usarem a farda em outros eventos pessoais, nas horas de folga.
No Rio de Janeiro, os policiais militares e bombeiros foram autorizados, em maio, pelo governador Sérgio Cabral, a participarem da Parada LGBT usando o uniforme oficial, a decisão anunciada durante o lançamento da campanha do programa 'Rio sem Homofobia', no dia 16 de maio, causou polêmica. No dia seguinte ao anúncio, o comandante da PM, coronel Mário Sérgio Duarte, disse que o regulamento interno não autoriza que o efetivo de folga participe de qualquer evento de lazer vestindo a farda ou portando qualquer equipamento da corporação. O coronel esclareceu, no entanto, que não fará "oposição à orientação sexual" de seus subalternos.
The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, California authorized a prison guard to participate in the Gay Parade in Los Angeles on Sunday, wearing the uniform of the corporation. According to TMZ, the department has apologized to the officer Andrew Johnson, who had denied his first request to be considered a "prestige".
In a statement, it says that "had no intention of offending any segment of the population with the recent refusal to allow a corrections officer to participate in the parade wearing the uniform officer. " In the statement, they also assert that the policy of the corporation "is outdated and requires a careful review. " The Department clarifies, however, thinks that while the overhaul of domestic policy, all staff members are free to wear the uniform in other personal events, in their spare time.
In Rio de Janeiro, military police and firefighters were authorized in May by Governor Sérgio Cabral, to participate in the parade wearing the uniform LGBT officer, the decision announced during the launch of the program 'Rio without homophobia' in 16 days May, caused controversy. The day after the announcement, the commander of the MP, Colonel Mario Sergio Duarte, said the rules does not allow the effective clearance to participate in any leisure events wearing the uniform or carrying any equipment of the corporation. The colonel clarified, however, that it will not "opposed to sexual orientation"from their inferiors.
In a statement, it says that "had no intention of offending any segment of the population with the recent refusal to allow a corrections officer to participate in the parade wearing the uniform officer. " In the statement, they also assert that the policy of the corporation "is outdated and requires a careful review. " The Department clarifies, however, thinks that while the overhaul of domestic policy, all staff members are free to wear the uniform in other personal events, in their spare time.
In Rio de Janeiro, military police and firefighters were authorized in May by Governor Sérgio Cabral, to participate in the parade wearing the uniform LGBT officer, the decision announced during the launch of the program 'Rio without homophobia' in 16 days May, caused controversy. The day after the announcement, the commander of the MP, Colonel Mario Sergio Duarte, said the rules does not allow the effective clearance to participate in any leisure events wearing the uniform or carrying any equipment of the corporation. The colonel clarified, however, that it will not "opposed to sexual orientation"from their inferiors.
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