Lady Gaga com o certificado de cidadã honorária
Lady Gaga foi nomeada cidadã honorária na Austrália. Durante uma viagem ao país para promover seu disco Born This Way, a popstar encontrou a prefeita da cidade de Sydney, Clover Moore, e foi condecorada por seu apoio à comunidade LGBT.
"Ninguém pode me acusar de usar os gays para vender discos", afirma Lady Gaga
"Lady Gaga foi uma força poderosa para a comunidade de homossexuais e lésbicas em Sydney", disse a prefeita. A cantora postou em seu perfil no Twitter uma foto com seu certificado especial de cidadã e escreveu: "Obrigada à prefeita de Sydney, firme ativista Glbt, por me tornar cidadã honorária da Austrália."
Gaga chegou a Sydney, no sábado (dia 9), para uma apresentação nesta terça (12), no Sydney Town Hall
Lady Gaga with the certificate of honorary citizen
Lady Gaga was named honorary citizen in Australia. During a trip to the country to promote his album Born This Way, the pop star met the mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, and was honored for his support of the LGBT community.
"No one can accuse me of using gay people to sell records," said Lady Gaga
"Lady Gaga has been a powerful force for gay and lesbian community in Sydney," said the mayor. The singer posted on his Twitter profile with your picture a special certificate of citizenship and wrote: "Thanks to the mayor of Sydney, firm LGBT activists, by becoming an honorary citizen of Australia."
Gaga arrived in Sydney on Saturday (day 9) for a presentation on Tuesday (12) at the Sydney Town Hall.
Lady Gaga was named honorary citizen in Australia. During a trip to the country to promote his album Born This Way, the pop star met the mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore, and was honored for his support of the LGBT community.
"No one can accuse me of using gay people to sell records," said Lady Gaga
"Lady Gaga has been a powerful force for gay and lesbian community in Sydney," said the mayor. The singer posted on his Twitter profile with your picture a special certificate of citizenship and wrote: "Thanks to the mayor of Sydney, firm LGBT activists, by becoming an honorary citizen of Australia."
Gaga arrived in Sydney on Saturday (day 9) for a presentation on Tuesday (12) at the Sydney Town Hall..
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