As luzes da balada
Piscando sem parar
Enquanto você ao meu lado
Abraçado e entrelaçado
Dando-me beijos melados
Meu pescoço arrepiado
Cada vez mais suave
Perto de você
Meus pensamentos calmamente
Voando levemente
Sem ter o que se preocupar
Seu sorriso de criança
No qual ao meu rosto encanta
Faz-me alegrar em ver
Seu beijo aos meus lábios
Em um toque melado
De puro carinho
Com as luzes da balada
Em cada piscada
Apenas lhe digo
Adorei o gosto do seu beijo.
Autor: Lawliet Lestrange
( Dedicada a Wallace Chiste )
Party lights
While you beside me
Hugged and interwoven
Giving me kisses molasses
My neck bristling
Increasingly mild
Near you
My thoughts slowly
lightly flying
Without having to worry about
Your child's smile
In which enchants to my face
Makes me glad to see
Your kiss on my lips
In a luscious touch
Pure love
With the lights of the ballad
In every blink
Just tell
I loved the taste of your kiss.
While you beside me
Hugged and interwoven
Giving me kisses molasses
My neck bristling
Increasingly mild
Near you
My thoughts slowly
lightly flying
Without having to worry about
Your child's smile
In which enchants to my face
Makes me glad to see
Your kiss on my lips
In a luscious touch
Pure love
With the lights of the ballad
In every blink
Just tell
I loved the taste of your kiss.
Writer: Lawliet Lestrange
(Dedicated to Wallace Chiste)
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