PL puro
O que o movimento LBGT, Marinor e o deputado federal Jean Wyllys (Psol-RJ) defendem é a manutenção do PL 122 puro, sem as alterações feitas pela relatora Marta Suplicy (PT-SP). Para eles, as mudanças não equiparam o crime de homofobia a outros preconceitos, como o racismo. O correto é a lei permanecer de acordo com o que sitaram e sem mudanças drasticas como o que estão fazendo aos poucos, assim como a Presidenta Dilma ir com o pé para trás em não aceitar o Kit anti-homofobia nas escolas.
Possession of Jader Barbalho (PMDB-AP) and the fall of Marinor Britto (PSOL-PA) in the Senate were not well digested by the LGBT movement. The change has even been subject at the 2nd National Conference on LGBT Rights and Public Policy. For activists, the senator was one of the main Allied cause and the cornerstone in the development of Bill 122, which criminalizes homophobia.
pure PL
What the LGBT movement, and Congressman Marinor Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) argue is the maintenance of pure PL 122, without the changes made by the rapporteur Suplicy (PT-SP). For them, the changes did not match the crime of homophobia to other prejudices, such as racism. The correct is the law remains in accordance with what Sitaram and without drastic changes to what they're doing little by little, as well as the President Dilma go with the back foot in not accepting the Kit homophobia in schools.
pure PL
What the LGBT movement, and Congressman Marinor Jean Wyllys (PSOL-RJ) argue is the maintenance of pure PL 122, without the changes made by the rapporteur Suplicy (PT-SP). For them, the changes did not match the crime of homophobia to other prejudices, such as racism. The correct is the law remains in accordance with what Sitaram and without drastic changes to what they're doing little by little, as well as the President Dilma go with the back foot in not accepting the Kit homophobia in schools.
É pura e simplesmente deminiaco converter aberração em algo natural.
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